Sunday 18 October 2009

About Our Main Character

Our character is called Rupert. He is 17 years old living in a average sized house with his mother and older brother.

Rupert is mix-raced, slim and looks very scruffy with his dirty old clothes, greasy hair and his thick glasses.

Rupert's mother is always away from home due to her work and leaves Rupert with his older brother Jack. Jack doesn't get along with his brother Rupert and he regually argues and picks on Rupert and home as well as on the street and at school.

Rupert hasn't got friends at all and hardly ever talks to anyone at college. He is very shy and keeps himself quiet and away from all the other people. At college he gets picked on by a boy called Jay. Jay and Rupert used to be very good friends but over the years they have split due to school and their different social crowds.

Rupert has been jelous of Jay since he has started going out with a girl called Katie. Rupert has always liked Katie and used to be friends in primary school with eachother including Jay.

Now a days Jay is always picking on Rupert in front of Katie and this is really upsetting Rupert because he's being embarresedin front of the girl he has loved.

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