Thursday 29 October 2009

The Story

Our film is about a teenager ( Rupert) who is having a tuff time at college and with his fellow peers. When he was younger he had his own crowd of friends, both boy and girls and as they got older the crowd went away due to his friends changing. He has always dressed in a geeky way, with his glasses, his jeans that come up short and dirty.

Everyday, On his way into college he comes across the same people that pick on him, Rupert doesnt like it but has put up with it for a while.

He finally tries to do something about it and one morning he goes up to all the boys who were with a couple of grls including one called katie ( Rupert likes ). Rupert squares up to Jack and warns him that one more thing he does to him, will get hurt.

The next day we see Jack and his friends are all outside Ruperts house waiting for him and we see Rupert lying on his bed thinking and walks downstairs and faces Jack. Rupert has all of a sudden got a lot of respect from some boys as well as the gils including Katie. Jack walks off with Katie in a hurry.

We then see that Katie and Jack are arguing and all we hear is katie saying to jack that he is a buuly and not a nice person to be around.

Katie leaves Jack and comes towards Rupert who is just standing by college with the who school behind him and every against Jack and a couple of his chums.

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