Monday 12 October 2009

Generating ideas

For my project I plan to work in a group with Jamie. we have had a bit of difficulty finding out what our film will be about. We had an idea of a film and even got what the film was about in one sentence. We got what he first part of the story was but we struggled with a middle and an end. This is because we don't know enough about short films and the only way to learn about short films is to research them and get a stronger idea of how they are conventionally made.  Now we have got a sentence telling us what the film is about i am now going to research short films so we have a stronger idea of them.

when discussing our film to our teacher, we were told to come up with one sentence explaining our film. We struggled to come up with a sentence and with a bit of help with our teacher he helped us narrow down to the one sentence. "Our film is about a guy who wants to stand up for himself and turn his life around." 

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